Evaluation of the Council of State-Owned Enterprises

The purpose of Board evaluation is to improve the effectiveness of the Board, promote good governance practices and enhance the value of companies.

We offer a full-cycle annual leadership assessment of the Council in line with the Guidelines for the Annual Self-Evaluation of the Council’s Work (EUMC, 2020), as well as tailored professional evaluation solutions to help assess the Council’s effectiveness.

• to improve the Council’s efficiency and cooperation
• to strengthen the individual effectiveness of its members
• to assess the contribution of each member of the Supervisory Board
• to evaluate and improve the composition of the Council
• strengthening cooperation with the Board and shareholders
• to evaluate the effectiveness of committees
• future development plans for leadership development

Conducting an annual evaluation of the Council’s performance is a prerequisite for good corporate governance (OECD, 2018), so it is important to conduct it professionally and qualitatively, not just formally, preferably by external evaluation every three years using recruitment consultants (Guidelines for Conducting an Annual Self-Evaluation of the Council’s Performance, 2020).

We offer a fully digital assessment and development experience or face-to-face meetings on demand, according to convenience, preferences and needs.

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Standarta (bez pvn)

  • Līdz 250 darbiniekiem - 1200 euro
  • 251 - 2000 darbinieki - 1800 euro
  • Virs 2000 darbiniekiem - 2300 euro