State Chancellery in collaboration with the Ministry of Transport announces a competition for the position of Member of the Board of Riga International Airport (VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga””) with expertise in financial matters and auditing, strategy development and implementation, and the operation of VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga””.

Mandatory minimum requirements for candidates:

  • Impeccable reputation, meaning no justifiable doubts about the candidate’s reputation and no evidence suggesting otherwise.
  • Proficiency in the state language as per the regulatory acts regarding state language usage – at C1 level and proficiency in English necessary for professional performance of Board member duties – no lower than B2 level according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.
  • Academic higher education or second-level professional higher education in finance, economics, management, law, engineering, or other comparable fields.
  • Work experience in the last 10 years, ensuring the necessary skill set to professionally perform the duties of a Board member in this position, meeting one of the following criteria:
  • At least three years of experience as a member of the board of a medium or large capital company;
  • Or at least two years of experience as a member of the supervisory board of a medium or large capital company;
  • Or at least three years of experience in a leading position (head or deputy head) in a state or municipal institution responsible for aviation policy development or implementation.

Professional experience, knowledge, and competence requirements:

  • At least three years of work experience (gained in the last 10 years) in areas related to airport services, company and team management, stakeholder management, business strategy development and implementation, and financial and auditing matters.
  • Understanding of issues related to airport operations and the provision of airport services.
  • Understanding of the governance of state or municipal capital companies.

Management competencies required for the position:

  • Strategic vision (essential competence);
  • Development orientation (essential competence);
  • Planning and organizing, decision making, and responsibility.

Special conditions for candidates:

  • Compliance with the requirements of Section 31, Paragraph 4 of the “Law on Governance of Public Persons’ Capital Shares and Capital Companies”.
  • The status of a public official applies to the position of a Board member, including the specified restrictions and compliance with the requirements of the “Law on Prevention of Conflict of Interest in the Activities of Public Officials”.
  • Compliance with the requirements of Section 9 of the “Law on State Secrets”, as the duties of the Board member will involve the use of information containing state secrets (the process for obtaining a special permit for access to state secrets is separate after the competition, which may take several months).
  • Compliance with the requirements of Section 57.2 of the “Law on Aviation”.

Applications for the competition can be submitted until June 11, 2024 (inclusive) in the form of an electronic document, using a secure electronic signature, sent to the email address: [email protected].

Candidates are requested to submit the following documents:

  1. A motivated application (electronically signed), including information confirming the professional experience and skills specified in the announcement and their relevance to the position of a Board member at VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga””.
  2. A Curriculum Vitae (CV), including key achievements, self-assessment of language skills, and contact information (email address, phone number) (recommended to use the attached form).
  3. A certification (electronically signed) of compliance with the special conditions for the position of a Board member at VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga”” (please download and use the specially prepared certification form).
  4. A copy of the document certifying higher education (if the higher education was obtained abroad, a document on its academic recognition in Latvia must be attached).
  5. A copy of the document certifying state language proficiency (submitted by a candidate who has not acquired education in the state language and the assessment is not indicated in the CV).
  6. Other documents confirming the fulfillment of the requirements set for candidates (not mandatory).

Monthly remuneration (gross): EUR 2,710

Please note that candidates selected for the second evaluation round will be asked by the nomination committee to submit a strategic vision (in presentation format, up to 15 minutes) on the main future challenges of VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga””, providing insight into the most important priorities and proposals for their implementation.

Simultaneously with the announcement of this public application procedure, the State Chancellery publishes information on the nomination process, the composition of the nomination committee, and other additional information on its website

Based on Section 25, Paragraph 1 of the “Personal Data Processing Law”, we inform you that:

  • The personal data indicated in your application documents will be processed to ensure the course of this competition, and during the selection process, your data will be transferred to the cooperation partner of VAS “Starptautiskā lidosta “Rīga”” – the personnel selection service provider SIA “Fontes Executive Search”.
  • The data controller is the State Chancellery, contact information: phone 67082903, Brīvības bulvāris 36, Riga, LV-1050.
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Standarta (bez pvn)

  • Līdz 250 darbiniekiem - 1200 euro
  • 251 - 2000 darbinieki - 1800 euro
  • Virs 2000 darbiniekiem - 2300 euro