Introduction of the Selection Process for Board Members of the Newly Established “Latvijas Sabiedriskais medijs”

To facilitate the merger and establishment of the state-owned limited liability company “Latvijas Sabiedriskais medijs,” stemming from the reorganization of “Latvijas Televīzija” and “Latvijas Radio,” the Public Electronic Media Council (SEPLP) has initiated a selection process for the company’s Board of Directors. This includes the positions of the Chairman and board members responsible for program and service development, financial management, technology management, and personnel management.

Composition of the Selection Committee:

The selection committee consists of seven members, including three SEPLP members, representatives from the State Chancellery’s Cross-Sectoral Coordination Department, the Baltic Corporate Governance Institute, the Latvian Media Ethics Council, and the Baltic Center for Media Excellence. The committee also includes observer representatives with advisory rights from the unions of “Latvijas Radio” and “Latvijas Televīzija” and the Latvian Journalists’ Association. The committee is chaired by SEPLP chairman Jānis Siksnis.

Detailed Committee Members:

  • Jānis Siksnis, SEPLP Chairman (voting rights)
  • Sanita Upleja-Jegermane, SEPLP Member (voting rights)
  • Jānis Eglītis, SEPLP Member (voting rights)
  • Kristīne Priede, Consultant, Cross-Sectoral Coordination Department (voting rights)
  • Mārtiņš Bičevskis, Baltic Corporate Governance Institute Representative (voting rights)
  • Andrejs Mēters, Chairman of the Latvian Media Ethics Council (voting rights)
  • Gunta Sloga, Baltic Media Excellence Center Representative (voting rights)
  • Observer members with advisory rights include representatives from the unions of “Latvijas Radio” and “Latvijas Televīzija” and a representative from the Latvian Journalists’ Association.

Recruitment Announcement and Application Process:

The positions were announced on July 29, 2024, with listings available on the websites of the State Employment Agency, SEPLP, “Latvijas Radio,” “Latvijas Televīzija,” the Cross-Sectoral Coordination Department, and the official publication “Latvijas Vēstnesis,” among other public resources.

Candidates are invited to apply by August 23, 2024, and will undergo a rigorous three-round selection process. The first round will assess compliance with mandatory requirements stated in the announcement. The second round will involve semi-structured interviews where the committee will evaluate presentations and pose standardized questions to all candidates. The final round will feature a thorough evaluation of the top candidates’ competencies by human resources specialists.

Further Information:

Additional details and the required documents, including the official announcement, CV format, affirmation form, and contest regulations, are available upon request. Queries can be directed to SEPLP via email at [email protected].

Papildus informācija par konkursiem pēc pieprasījuma pieejama arī SEPLP, sūtot e-pastu uz adresi [email protected].

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